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Paula Moore

Ebb & Tide Reflections

St. Augstine Sunset

The seasons teach us that it is natural to take time to rest, reflect & be renewed. The animal kingdom knows this instinctively and so do our plants & trees. Why then, do we kick against the process rather than glide through them? Recently I’ve had the opportunity of a restful stay on the east coast observing the rhythm of the ocean constant waves in cadence with the wind. I’m emerging from my winter’s hidey-hole with a tingly new resolve as I fine-tune my efforts and intentions that will bring into focus a better version of me: Mind, Body & Soul.

Are you doing the same? Or you might be tapping life’s snooze button for just 10 more minutes? That’s Ok too, of course. For me, my mission is to being more mindful and intentional with my actions, thoughts & words.

I look back on this past year, while the winds of uncertainty rage on continually. We do not have the power to calm nor stop them; we can only control how we react. Am I reactive or proactive?

Today, I’m recalling how often in the last several months that I’ve texted, called, prayed, & offered my support. Likewise, how often family and friends have reached out to me. I know you experience the same. Family and friends are more precious than ever, regardless of differences of opinions & mindsets. Even if we don’t agree, we can still be kind.

I have just celebrated another birthday the end of January. This marks the beginning of the last year of my sixth decade. A glance in my rear view mirror the past ten years brings so many memories.

Here are a few that come to mind:

  • Diving heart first into my life dream of teaching and sharing art.

  • Launching my website and finally finding THE BEST webmaster, Melissa Winebrenner to guide me.

  • Enduring and recovering from two knee surgeries (I could NOT HAVE made it without Terry’s care and cooking).

  • Grateful for the privilege of retirement.

  • Road trips traversing this grand country and cruising to faraway places.

  • Realizing I’ve been out of high school 50 years!! Thankful I’ve kept in touch with so many friends.

  • Me being the one rescued by the tiny, furry dog who I coaxed away off a busy road. We gave Snick’s his forever home.

  • I’ve reflected on dear friendships that have strengthened. Friendships that have drifted apart. Friendships fresh & new. Spending this life with my best friend. He grounds me and I lift him up.

  • Saying so long for now to my sweet, weary 93 year old Daddy.

  • Welcoming a new daughter-in-love into our family.

  • Sadly losing too many friends and family members to Covid and other diseases. Life on earth is short.

  • Keenly aware of the Lord’s unwavering promises.

If you are reading this, I encourage you to take some time to reflect on your last decade. I’m guessing you will have waves of precious memories roll over you, as well.

The ocean shoreline gifted me with unusual bits & pieces of shells. I was intrigued thinking how they originally all fitted together like puzzle pieces. I could see all the principles of design we study in art in every piece. The colors, shapes and textures were inspiring! Our condo neighbor had found over 2 dozen starfish in the course of just a few days. Why wasn’t I finding them too? What was his method?


Finally, on my last sunset beach walk, ready to head back up the sandy stairs; I focused one last time in my search. My unwavering faith along with my extraordinary effort came to fruition. I discovered what I had been hoping for. The remains of the beautiful little starfish washed up on the shore, hiding in plain sight. I now possessed the evidence of what to look for and discovered three more starfish all of which I flung back in the sea. They had more life to live.

My little starfish made her way back to my Missouri art studio. She will be a reminder to keep searching for those things that will help create the best version of me personally and my artistic endeavors, no matter what decade I find myself.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrew 11:1 kjv

I would love to hear your thoughts on the subject. Please comment below.

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2 commentaires

Paula Moore
Paula Moore
17 févr. 2022

Thank you for your kind words, Mary. We are exactly who & where we need to be for this time in history. I’m not sure I’d want to go back… but I assuredly tell you that I am able to wear the same earrings I wore at 18! 🤗 Looking forward to painting with you soon! Paula


Membre inconnu
17 févr. 2022

Paula, it’s so good to hear from you. It sounds like your trip to the East Coast was very successful, in more ways than one! At our age, reflecting back on the years is only natural. We realize we’ve lived most of our life already, with yet a little while to go. It is difficult for me sometimes to look back, as I certainly did not have the wisdom I have now! Oh, how I wish I’d known then even a portion of what I know now! But we cannot go back and I realize that I did the best I could with the experience and knowledge I had at the time, given all the circumstances. I must stay focused …

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